Sunday, 24 November 2013

Decorate Your Christmas Tree

'10 Fabulous Ideas'
Decorate Your Christmas Tree
The Way You'll Probably Never Get To!
Its that wonderful time of year when carol music fills the air, twinkling lights adorn every high street and the children are beside themselves in anticipation, waiting and wondering just what the magic man himself might bring.

Who couldn't love Christmas? It's an amazing and special time of the year to celebrate with those nearest and dearest to us, to share, to love and not forget everything that is important to us. But, as with everything that is amazing, comes a lot of pressure.

With so much to do it can sometimes be difficult to see the wood for the trees, and what we imagine its all going to turn out like, just doesn't quite materialise.

Decorating the christmas tree is tradition in most houses. It is the one thing the children insist on participating in and something that most of us, when they have gone to bed, tweak, hoping they will not remember in the morning where they placed that special little bauble, which just looked sooo out of place...

Of course, we would never change this for the world. Our own fond memories of decorating the tree with tinsel and hanging oversized concertina foil decorations from corner to corner would never allow us to deprive our little ones of the same reminiscences.

But, if someone could just magically come in and do it all for us with a touch of that designer flare, would we turn them away? I don't think so...

Take a look at someone of the amazing trees below and choose your favourite. May be, if you showed the little ones this, you could go out shopping together for some new decorations and try to re-create it yourselves!! (nudge, nudge, wink, wink x)...

Or, on the the other hand, you might just be a dab hand yourself at decorating the tree, and some of these might just not compare! 

Whatever the case may be, I'm sure most of us would never change it for the world. Christmas is not about what the tree looks like, its more about spending the time together putting it up!

May we wish you a very merry christmas and hope that no matter what you enjoy, good, bad or excellent tree and all...

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